828-894-5640 [email protected]

Our future

Donations Make a Difference at the House of Flags

Second Floor – Presentation Classroom, Library and Reading Room, Conference RoomB



<font color="red">Please consider a donation</font><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] -->

The Present

The 2,500-square foot ground floor remodeling project was completed in time for our Grand Opening on November 11, 2011. Nearly 300 people were in attendance for the beginning of a new era in our Museum

The second floor has undergone a complete remodeling too. A wheel chair lift is installed thanks to a generous grant from the Polk County Community Foundation.

The large presentation room that seats 50 people was completed with funds provided by the Foothills Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Duke Energy, Wal-Mart, the Tennant Foundation, and a generous grant from the Timken Foundation of Canton (Ohio).


The Future

Need some enticing words about what donations are going to: maintenance, operations, expansions, acquisitions, etc